Study Group on  Folk Musical Instruments


18th International Meeting


13-17 April, 2011

at the invitation of

Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku

Urša Šivic, 

Revival of traditional instruments under the label of authenticity

In the selection of instruments in nowadays Slovenian pop-folk music (narodnozabavna glasba) the accordion – diatonic or chromatic – is leading; beside it, there are also clarinet, trumpet, baritone, double bass ... In the sphere of traditional instrumental music there is a strong popularity of groups using improvised instruments (mačja muzika, cat's music) that are ‘not allowed’ to perform at the gatherings organised by the state institution The Public Fund of the Republic Slovenia for Cultural Activities. Both types of instrumental music have little in common with the groups that are stimulated by the profession and the mentioned institution; those groups usually include violin, clarinet, diatonic accordion, double bass ... Distinctions between ‘proper’ traditional groups and groups that are initiatively formed by people are as much radical as directives of the institution are restrictive. Institutional directives to revive ‘authentic’ traditional instruments point out the necessity of adaptation to new demands, new social and identity context and music structure. For the researcher there are also another two interesting point of views: the view from the time distance (for example, returning the violin into groups, playing double bass with the bow instead of plucking ...) and especially the up-to-date view, since we can witness new activities and transformations as for example the revival of playing hammered dulcimer (oprekelj) and using old accordions for the purposes of playing traditional music.


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